Butternut, quinoa and brussel sprouts salad / Salade a la courge butternut, quinoa et choux de bruxelles

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Discover. Never stop experimenting.

Hey oh! Talking to all the brussel sprouts haters there!!

I've never been the biggest fan of brussel sprouts, but never refused to eat them though. It just wasn't on my top 10 favourite veggies. Because I always had them one particular way, boiled or braised. Until now.

I tried different ways of cooking this unfortunately often disliked vegetable, and found a new taste to it, a new crunch. And I really like it.

Plain and simple : don't cook it! Have it raw!
Basically, when you think about it, brussel sprouts are just like mini cabbages. And as you can eat cabbage raw, like in a salad, coleslaw and stuff like that, why not doing the same with the "mini" version of it?

You could just have it in wraps, burritos, sandwiches, use it instead of cabbage in a coleslaw, or in any salad.

I mixed it here with the veggies I had, added some quinoa to make a more filling meal and a nice simple seasoning.

There's no rule to salads, just mix a few things together to create something simple and great!

( for 2 servings)

1/2 cup quinoa
3 brussel sprouts
2 spring onions
1/2 of a small butternut squash
4 cherry tomatoes
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
salt, pepper

Preheat the oven to 180'C. Put the butternut squash (or pumpkin if you prefer) in the oven, open face up and let it roast for about 30 min, until soft and golden.

Meanwhile, prepare the quinoa. Rinse the quinoa seeds in a sieve under cold water. Then toast the quinoa for a couple of minutes, in the dry saucepan over high heat, tossing often. This will develop the nutty flavour of the quinoa. Add 1 cup of water to it, cover with a lid and place on the stove on a medium heat for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionnaly. The quinoa is ready when tender, a little bit like rice. Let it cool down.

Slice the brussel sprouts very finely. Cut the cherry tomatoes in quarters. Slice the spring onions. Scoop the butternut flesh out of the skin with a spoon, and cu it in little pieces.
Mix everything together, and season with salt, pepper, olive oil and lemon juice.
Enjoy your salad straight away or take it to work for lunch =)

(2 portions)

1/2 tasse de quinoa
3 choux de Bruxelles
2 oignons nouveaux
1/2 courge butternut
4 tomates cerises
2 c.à.s d'huile d'olive vierge extra
1 c.à.s de jus de citron
sel, poivre

Préchauffer le four à 180°C.
Enfourner la moitié de butternut (ou autre courge, potimarron...), côté intérieur de la courge vers le haut et rôtir pendant 30 minutes, jusqu'à ce que la chair soit bien tendre.
Pendant ce temps, préparer le quinoa. Rincer les graines dans une passoire sous de l'eau froide, laisser égoutter.
Faire chauffer une poêle ou casserole anti-adhésive, y faire "toaster" les graines de quinoa, c'est-à-dire dorer quelques minutes, sans huile, ce qui va développer son goût de noix.
Ajouter ensuite le double du volume en eau, ici 1 tasse d'eau, couvrir avec un couvercle, et laisser cuire pendant 15 à 20 minutes, en remuant de temps en temps pour éviter que le quinoa ne colle à la casserole.
Le quinoa est près lorsqu'il est tendre sous la dent, comme du riz.
Laisser refroidir.

Émincer très finement les choux de Bruxelles ainsi que les oignons nouveaux. Couper les tomates en quartiers.
A l'aide d'une cuillère, enlever la chair de la courge de la peau, puis la couper en petits cubes.
Mélanger les légumes au quinoa, puis assaisonner de sel, poivre, huile d'olive et jus de citron.

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